Operating a business is all about risk and reward, but the stability of your business depends on management of unexpected risk.
Whether you are a seasoned risk manager or wondering how to begin, we can help as you consider your options to avoid, assume, prevent, reduce, or transfer risk
Insurance is the transfer of risk to an insurance company. As independent agents we can do all your insurance shopping for you.
For a free review of your business insurance or a proposal for your future contact us at
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At David Chapman Agency the agent you buy the policy from is the same person that serves you year after year.
Many agencies focus on selling to new customers. We focus on caring for you!
For changes or questions on your current insurance policies please contact our
Business Customer Service Department
Phone 517-321-4600
Fax 517-321-9443
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Business Insurance in Michigan or wherever your business takes you.
Business Insurance
Auto insurance premiums are increasing for a number of reasons; higher repair costs, increased value of used vehicles, inflation in lawsuit awards, to name a few. Michigan premiums will are also increasing as court rulings have prevented some of the medical savings in the 2019 no-fault reform law from being implemented. Remember the $400 per vehicle refund check you received? It was premature and now you will be giving some of that back in your renewal premiums.
Ask us about flood insurance. A flood can occur anywhere, not just in a flood plain, and it requires a separate policy to insure for it.