Our personable and knowledgeable claims staff cares about you and will...

Guide you through the claim process...

Work with you and the insurance company claim adjuster...

Help you understand your insurance coverage.
For all claims contact Lynn Martinez
phone 517-319-8234
fax 517-321-9443

Claim Reporting
For Michigan Workers Comp claims complete the following and email to Lynn
After a loss it is  your responsibility to protect your property from further loss.  If you need a contractor the following specialize in claim restoration and have 24 hour emergency crews:

Ace / S&S Contracting   517-337-1001
Ameri Pro Restoration   517-622-3377
Century Construction     517-999-8200
Paul Davis Systems       517-676-8000
ServPro                          517-541-1170
If you have an after hours or weekend claim that requires emergency attention please call our office at 517-321-4600 and press 6.   Otherwise use the Report a Claim Online button.
If you are insured with Progressive you must report your claim directly to them.  Please call 800-776-4737 or visit Progressive.com
If you are insured with Westfield you must report your claim directly to them at 800-243-0210 Option 3